The Team at Small Town Soul has been an absolute pleasure to work with, they understand the challenges faced by small towns and have afforded Rutherfordton a new way to market and grow our online presence that breaks traditional market firm molds. They get Main Street and they genuinely want the Town and our business community to thrive.
Doug Barrick Town Manager: Town of Rutherfordton, NC
There is a huge shift in both the tourism and business sector towards small towns. Tourists are migrating away from the big cities and seeking out a more relaxing and laid back atmosphere. Big businesses are realizing that both land and labor tend to be cheaper in a small town and are looking to more rural areas for relocation and/or expansion. It all adds up to HUGE opportunities for small towns to capitalize on these trends. The challenge, however, is how?
Being a small town usually comes with a small budget and limited resources. Many of the people tasked with marketing and promoting the town don't have a strong background in marketing. They are passionate people with fantastic ideas, they just aren't sure how to best implement those ideas and get the results they need for growth.
That's where we come in. We created Small Town Soul to:
Help successfully market a town on a limited budget
Train managers, administrators and department heads on marketing basics and how to leverage them in their specific areas
Attract visitors using limited resources and advertising budgets
Provide solutions for supporting local businesses and recruiting new ones
Introduce you to some of the tools and strategies we use everyday to simplify things like managing social media
Offer a supporting community of fellow leaders that you can interact with and learn from
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think"
- Albert Einstein
The internet has changed the way we research and learn. There is a vast amount of information available for self-education, and marketing is no exception. But how often have you read an article and thought, "That is exactly what I need to do, but I have no clue how to apply it to my town"?
We built that component into Small Town Soul. We don't just educate you on marketing strategies, we stay with you and help you implement them. We help you measure your results and then adjust the strategy based on the results.
We train you to think like marketers and get results!
Are downtown businesses frustrated with social media? Do they expect the town to get customers through their doors?
Simple Changes turn into Huge Results
Our group training sessions show town staff, downtown merchants and professional business services how to promote both themselves and the town together. By working together you increase your digital footprint both online and in social media. It makes it easier for both residents and visitors to find the information they are looking for and lead them straight to your door.